Monday, March 17, 2014

Found it??

Yesterday, we drove up the I-45 and exited 2920 ( near El Palanque ) and found Terry Vaughn RVs closed.  Before we got the lunch place, we were already looking at travel trailers I could pull with my truck.  Today I visited and a long talk with Ron. These people are very knowledgeable and certainly understood that I was green!!!

I looked at four different ones, and settled on this one.  Large enough to not be claustrophobic, but small enough to be comfortably pulled by the Hummer.

External View

The most important room ( for me ) in this project is the bathroom.  Angel does not squat over an open pit.  I love to say that camping is a hotel without room server.  This one has a tub, though probably more suited to Tattoo ( from Fantasy Island ) than for me.

Bathroom with tub/shower and toilet
Queen sized bed and bunk beds too.  Found some great sheets for the bunk beds. I think I have an idea for the queen size school.


  1. Better be sure the insulation is "Four Seasons" R-7 is only good to 40F It is 15F in Calgary and 25F in Prince George and -1 to -4 at night in Whitehorse at this time of year. The tanks need to be insulated or the water will freeze solid. There are four season trailers. I do not believe this is.

  2. You do realize that Alaska Airlines permits dogs in the passenger cabin ? In a carrier, with comfy dog bed, and pee pad ? 9 hour first class flight with dogs for $1,000. Versus
    $25,000 to driving 4,000 miles hauling a trailer in freezing temperatures ? And trying to make a deadline of April first ?
    The dogs will be in a confined space for a week ? If you can really do it in a week, versus 9 hours ?
